Bachelor of Science in Education in Middle Grades Education

The Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) in Middle Grades Education 为本科学生提供四年级到八年级学生所需的知识和教学专业知识.

学生检查青春期前和青春期的发展,学习如何与学习者联系. 他们获得了教授四年级到六年级所有小学科目的资格证书. They also master middle grades instructional theory and methods for

  • classroom management,
  • English language learners,
  • inclusive classrooms,
  • literacy and
  • students with special needs.

初中教育课程的学生也可以在语言艺术方面发展双学科或单学科领域的专业知识, mathematics, science or social studies for grades 7 and 8, and field experiences start as early as sophomore year. 学生还将在大三期间与需要特殊教育的学生一起工作. A semester of student teaching completes the degree.


You will focus on all subjects for grades 4 through 6, as well as one of the following concentrations.

  • Language Arts

    为初高中学生的语言艺术教育者的职业发展奠定基础. 帮助满足日益增长的对教师的需求,特别是在服务不足的人群中. This program emphasizes teaching grammar, the foundations of language and literacy teaching, and literature.

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  • Mathematics

    帮助孩子们在中学阶段为代数、微积分和几何打下基础. 选修课程,重点教授数学的基本概念,以便将来学习和应用. Gain real-world experience through fieldwork in the classroom.

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  • Mathematics and Language Arts

    毕业后获得数学和语言艺术双重认证,教授7年级和8年级的学生. You’ll specialize in concepts of written and verbal communication, and as well as teaching algebra, calculus and geometry. In addition to dual certification, 您将获得4至6年级所有科目的教学证书.

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  • Mathematics and Science

    Pursue dual certification in mathematics and science teaching. 这个项目强调向七年级和八年级的学生教授数学和科学. Study the fundamentals of education theory, natural and empirical science education, and the basis of algebra, calculus and geometry.

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  • Science

    Form the basis for teaching biology, chemistry, environmental science, physics and more to future generations. 加深对课堂管理和教学理论与实践的理解. 你将在当地学校获得实地经验,为在一个或多个科学领域的职业生涯奠定基础.

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  • Science and Language Arts

    获得4至6年级学生所有科目的教学证书, 再加上为七年级和八年级学生教授科学和语言艺术的认证. 注重教与学素养、科学原理、历史与现代文学.

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  • Social Studies

    帮助后代成为见多识广的公民,扩大他们的世界观. You’ll develop the skills necessary to teach U.S. and world history, economics, and social and political development. 课程包括在费城学校教初中生的时间.

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Teacher Certification

This program prepares you to successfully complete state certification exams,你可以申请宾夕法尼亚州教学证书. Learn more about certification.

Related Graduate Degrees

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Review the full list of 教育与人类发展学院的研究生学位和证书课程.

+1 Accelerated Programs

For particularly focused students, 教育与人类发展学院提供速成课程. 符合条件的学生可以在一个五年的课程中获得学士和硕士学位,而不是通常的六年. Learn more about the College of Education and Human Development’s +1 accelerated programs, and explore the accelerated option for the Middle Grades Education degree.

Tuition & Fees

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, 教育学学士学位提供有竞争力的学费水平和多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. You can view the full Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.

These tuition costs apply to the 2023–2024 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $17,976.00 per year
Out-of-state: $32,376.00 per year

Student Clubs & Organizations

参加学生团体可以提供同伴支持和未来的专业联系. 它还提供了回馈社区的机会,无论是在当地还是在全球. Explore the opportunities available through organizations such as



For more information about this program, the College of Education and Human Development, how to apply for admission, and your application status, contact Enrollment Management.

Enrollment Management
Phone: 215-204-8011


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